met him ard 9+ & took train to AMK tis 'shuttle' bus thingy & went ahead for 20 bucks includin $15 entrance & $5 for tram..per person.. & we tot tat driver was a conned man cos he was dying 4 our $ u see..-.- actually its reali nt safe to jus say ok to a total stranger so hey people do be wary..but we reached thr safely=) hahaha. okie so.. dis outing 2 zoo was realllly thrilling, happening & smilely=D hees. But i looked horrendous. therefore i didnt snapped alot of pics but took dear's instead=))

common & popular ahmeng slacking away ~

so this is that animal with horns=/

So.. aft tat wento town & had our lunch-cum-dinner @ cuppage... headed back home & i wento meet my mom n got a hair cut & i guess u guys will scream ur arse out cos u'll nvr beleive that TOHHONGPING is with her -new-short-hair- look. but ive got a tail la. cos i realllllly felt heartache when my so long hair is now short lyke shit but i tink its okie cos a new look ma.. & it was really a big challange cos ive never had short hairstyles b4..AWWW,..
Okay so im looking for tues(30th) for my baby's bday celebration again w his family=) hohoho..MUACKS*to*yoU*bAby*..
N i reallllly did enjoy myself today n i guess u too, alot:) LOve ya hunny.